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Expozitie de arta abstracta la Hermanns Hotel Sibiu. „Back to the imaginary” si „Turn the page” va asteapta la intrarea in hotel, respectiv in restaurantul hotelului.

BACK TO THE IMAGINARY - Abstract painting on canvas

Salutare dragii mei! Am vesti bune pentru voi, iubitori de arta abstracta. Impreuna cu Utopia Gallery si cu sustinerea Hermanns Hotel Sibiu am reusit sa organizam o expozitie de arta abstracta. Personal, particip cu doua tablouri pictate pe panza, „Turn the Page” si „Back to the imaginary”. Acestea se afla expuse, impreuna cu alte lucrari de arta, la intrarea in hotel si in restaurantul acestuia, in perioada lunii iulie 2024.

Expozitie de arta abstracta la Hermanns Hotel Sibiu.

Daca se intampla sa fiti prin Sibiu in aceasta perioada, trageti o fuga pana la Hermanns Hotel sa le vedeti expozitia de arta abstracta.

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Embracing individual change

The human will to change, to start over, to turn the page, is a fascinating phenomenon. It reflects our inherent desire for growth, progress, and self-improvement. Throughout history, individuals have demonstrated an unwavering determination to alter the course of their lives and shape their destinies. As I reflect upon this subject, I find myself contemplating the possibility of change and whether people truly have the capacity to transform themselves.

TURN THE PAGE - Minimalist painting on canvas

I believe the individual change is both a conscious desire and a result of external circumstances. It is a delicate interplay between the individual’s willpower and the influence of the environment. When it comes to desiring change, some people possess an inherent hunger for personal development. They are driven by an innate curiosity and an unrelenting urge to reach their full potential. This internal motivation pushes them to challenge their beliefs, question societal norms, and embark on transformative journeys.

On the other hand, change can also be provoked by external factors, such as life-altering events or encounters with significant individuals. Sometimes, a single moment can act as a catalyst for profound transformation. It could be a profound loss that forces one to reevaluate their priorities, a chance encounter that sparks a new passion, or a mentor who inspires and guides them towards self-discovery. These external triggers have the power to awaken dormant desires for change and propel individuals towards a new path.

Embracing individual change

Change is a process, not an effortless endeavor

Change is not an effortless endeavor. It requires immense determination, resilience, and a willingness to confront one’s deepest fears and insecurities. It demands stepping out of the comfort zone, embracing uncertainty, and enduring the inevitable setbacks along the way. Change is a process, often accompanied by internal struggles, doubts, and moments of vulnerability. It is in these moments that true growth occurs, as we confront our limitations and expand the boundaries of our capabilities.

Embracing individual change as a non linear progression

While change is indeed possible, it is essential to acknowledge that it is not a linear progression. The human journey is filled with complexities and contradictions. There will be times when we stumble, revert to old patterns, or feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the transformation we seek. However, it is precisely in these moments that we must find the strength to persevere and recommit ourselves to the path of change.

Embracing individual change

In my own personal experience, I have witnessed the transformative power of change. I have seen individuals who have overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, reinvented themselves, and emerged stronger than ever. I have also experienced moments of personal transformation, where I have shed old identities and embraced new possibilities. Through these experiences, I have come to believe that change is not only possible but also necessary for our growth and fulfillment as human beings.

The human will to change is a remarkable force. Whether driven by internal desires or external circumstances, individuals have the capacity to transform themselves and rewrite the narratives of their lives. However, change is not an easy path. It requires courage, perseverance, and a willingness to confront the unknown. Yet, within the process of change lies the opportunity for profound personal growth and self-discovery. As I continue my own journey of change, I embrace the challenges it presents and remain open to the transformative possibilities that lie ahead.

See my abstract interpretation of change:


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The Balancing Act of Human Connections

In the last 20 years, the connections between people have undergone a significant transformation compared to past times. We have entered an era where virtual connections dominate the social landscape, leaving behind face-to-face interactions. Personally, in the last period of time, I have begun to question the authenticity and depth of these virtual connections. While it is fascinating to be able to communicate with people from around the world in a matter of seconds, I wonder if we have lost something important in the process.

The Balancing Act of Human Connections

Virtual connections are ubiquitous in our contemporary society. Through social media platforms and online messaging, we can interact with friends, colleagues, and strangers in a quick and convenient manner. Despite these conveniences, I have noticed that we often feel isolated and unfulfilled amidst this digital labyrinth. In this virtual world, we control the words and images we distribute, construct online identities, and present only a limited part of ourselves. In this process, the risk of losing our authentic connection with others is very real.

However, when it comes to face-to-face interactions, we have the opportunity to experience a wider range of emotions and expressions. It is in the gaze and gestures of those beside us that we find the compassion, joy, and sadness that define our humanity. Direct touch, for instance, has the power to convey comfort and connection in a profound way. A simple gesture of a caress can express more than a thousand words. In physical contact with others, we experience that something hard to define but essential in human interactions.

The Balancing Act of Human Connections

The undeniable value of direct connections vs the advantages of virtual interactions

Nevertheless, despite the undeniable value of direct connections, I cannot ignore the advantages of virtual connections. They have brought people closer in many ways. We have been able to learn about other cultures, discover commonalities with individuals we would never have otherwise met, and connect with entire communities of people with similar interests. Moreover, virtual connections can provide support and solace in moments of loneliness and isolation.

The Balancing Act of Human Connections

Thus, when trying to understand the connections between people in the 21st century, I find myself in a fragile balancing point between the virtual world and the real one. Both bring with them advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that the authenticity and depth of our connections depend on how we manage them. It is important not to be captive to the screen and not to forget to connect with the people around us. Let us appreciate the beauty of face-to-face interactions and be aware of the power that human touch holds.

In conclusion, the connections between people of this days are complex and fascinating. We are in the midst of a digital revolution where virtual connections dominate, but we should not underestimate the importance of face-to-face interactions. In this era of ephemeral connections, let us remember that the true depth of human relationships can be found in the authenticity and vulnerability we share in our direct encounters with others. Let us find the balance and connect in a way that enriches us and brings us closer to the essence of being human.

The Balancing Act of Human Connections in My Abstract Vision:


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My Artwork Selected for Artmajeur’s Weekly Showcase

„Wrong Side of Heaven” selected for Artmajeur’s Weekly Showcase

As an aspiring artist, I have always sought to express my innermost thoughts and emotions through the medium of abstract painting. Recently, I received news that left me exhilarated and humbled – one of my paintings, „Wrong Side of Heaven,” has been chosen by the esteemed curator Olimpia Gaia Martinelli to be featured in Artmajeur’s Weekly Selection. This recognition is not only a testament to my artistic journey but also a validation of the passion and dedication I have poured into my work. Join me as I share the story behind this captivating piece and the personal meaning it holds for me.

The Inspiration Behind „Wrong Side of Heaven”:

Artmajeur's Weekly Showcase

Every brushstroke, every splash of color in „Wrong Side of Heaven” represents a fragment of my soul. Inspired by the tumultuous moments of life and the ethereal beauty of imagination, this abstract artwork delves deep into the emotional complexity that resides within us all. It is an exploration of the dichotomy between light and darkness, joy and sorrow, hope and despair. The colours and intricate patterns intertwine, creating a visual symphony that invites the viewer to embark on a personal interpretation of the artwork.

A Journey of Self-Discovery:

"Wrong Side of Heaven" selected for Artmajeur's Weekly Showcase

Creating „Wrong Side of Heaven” was a cathartic experience for me. In every stroke, I poured my emotions onto the canvas, allowing myself to be vulnerable and open. The process of painting this abstract piece became a journey of self-discovery, as I delved into the depths of my own consciousness, questioning and exploring the complexities of the human experience. It was a transformative process that allowed me to connect with my innermost thoughts and express them through the language of art.

Artmajeur’s Weekly Selection:

To have my artwork chosen by Olimpia Gaia Martinelli, a renowned curator and the gatekeeper of Artmajeur’s online gallery, is a dream come true. Artmajeur is a platform that celebrates emerging artists and provides them with a space to showcase their talent to a global audience. Being selected for the Weekly Selection alongside other promising artists is a tremendous honor and a significant milestone in my artistic career.

The Power of Abstract Art:

Abstract art has a unique ability to evoke emotions and spark personal connections with the viewer. Each individual may interpret an abstract artwork differently, projecting their own experiences and emotions onto the canvas. „Wrong Side of Heaven” aims to transcend the boundaries of traditional representation, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork on an emotional and introspective level. Through the interplay of colors, shapes, and textures, I aim to ignite a sense of curiosity and contemplation, allowing each person to find their own meaning within the piece.

Artmajeur's Weekly Showcase

Having my artwork, „Wrong Side of Heaven,” selected for Artmajeur’s Weekly Selection is an incredible achievement and a testament to the power of self-expression through art. This abstract piece embodies my journey as an artist and serves as a gateway to the depths of human emotions and experiences. I am grateful for this opportunity to share my work with a wider audience, and I hope that „Wrong Side of Heaven” resonates with viewers, inspiring them to embark on their own personal introspection. Art has the power to transcend boundaries, and I am thrilled to be a part of Artmajeur’s celebration of emerging artists.

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Tablou pictat pe panza: „Wrong Side of Heaven”. Reflectie personala.

WRONG SIDE OF HEAVEN - Abstract painting
Tablou pictat pe panza

Wrong Side of Heaven: pictură abstractă pe pânză

Salutare tuturor! Sunt încântat să vă împărtășesc cateva ganduri despre ultima mea lucrare, „Wrong Side of Heaven”, o pictură abstractă pe pânză pe care am creat-o anul acesta folosind o combinație de culori acrilice, cum ar fi alb, negru și galben sienna. Ca artist, sunt mândru de munca mea și îmi pun suflet în fiecare piesă pe care o creez. Sper să vă placă această relatare personală a procesului meu de creație.

tablou pictat pe panza

Tablou pictat pe panza. Intre lupta si speranta.

Când am început să pictez „Wrong Side of Heaven”, am știut că vreau să surprind esența condiției umane – luptele, provocările și speranța de care ne agățăm cu toții în momentele dificile. Culorile alb-negru reprezintă realitățile dure ale vieții, în timp ce galbenul siena aduce picturii căldură și o licărire de speranță.

Numele picturii, „Wrong Side of Heaven”, a fost inspirat de ideea că deseori ne simțim pierduți, singuri și deconectați de lumea din jurul nostru. Dar chiar și în aceste momente întunecate, există întotdeauna speranța de a ne găsi calea înapoi spre lumină. Acesta este mesajul pe care am vrut să-l transmit prin pictura mea. De asemenea, am găsit inspirație în muzica pe care o ascult în fiecare zi. „Wrong Side of Heaven”, a fost inspirat de cântecul lui Five Finger Death Punch. Acesta este mesajul pe care am vrut să-l transmit prin pictura mea.

Tablou pictat pe panza

Emoțiile și intuiția mă ghidează să creez „Wrong side of heaven”

În timp ce lucram la acest tablou abstract, mi-am lăsat emoțiile și intuiția să mă ghideze. Am folosit mișcări largi de cuțit pentru a crea profunzime și textură și m-am jucat cu culorile pentru a scoate în evidență contrastul dintre întuneric și lumină. A fost un proces cathartic care mi-a permis să-mi explorez propriile emoții și experiențe în timp ce cream Wrong side of heaven.

„Wrong Side of Heaven” este un tablou care vrea să vorbească sufletului, evocând emoții și inspirând speranță. Este o piesă abstractă care îți permite să o interpretezi în felul tău, să vezi în ea ceea ce vrei tu să vezi. Unii pot vedea frământările și haosul vieții, în timp ce alții pot vedea lumina și speranța care pot fi găsite chiar și în cele mai întunecate vremuri.

Tablou pictat pe panza

O reflecție personală asupra picturii acrilice pe pânză: Wrong Side of Heaven

Da, sunt mândru de acest tablou și de ceea ce reprezintă. Este o reflectare a experienței umane, o reamintire despre ce este umanitatea și unde se duce. Sper că „Wrong Side of Heaven” va inspira și atinge inimile celor care îl văd și că va continua să fie o sursă de gandire profunda și speranță pentru anii următori.

Tablou pictat pe panza

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